We said goodbye to 2015 a couple weeks back, but it was such a great year that we’re still reflecting before looking ahead. Being of the firm belief that you have to learn from both mistakes and successes to plo(w)ugh forward, here’s to raising a glass to the year that was and sharing some thoughts on this great business. Cheers to making sure whether your glass is half empty or half full, it always contains something delicious to drink.
Social Media is Important
The fact that the term ‘postal service” invokes most of Generation Y to think about the indie band from Seattle and not the USPS is just another sign that you probably won’t get a postcard advertisement about cocktail specials, wine of the week, winemaker dinners or the latest release of an IPA brewed in Saskatchewan. It is hard to keep up sometimes…ignoring a Twitter feed for 2 days can feel like you just embarked on a space mission. Responsible social media can actually be a powerful business tool, a great way of gathering information or just a way to stay in touch and up-to-date. Without making any official resolutions, we’re committed to sharing our insights and liquid exploits with you in 2016.
Details, Details, Details

In the world of real estate this mantra usually sounds more like “location, location, location”, and truly that mantra applies to any business in general. Our friend over at Brewminations recently reminded us all that glassware, especially of the clean variety, is incredibly important to the drinking experience. While the big, boozy, sweet, bitter, and tart flavors of cocktails can often mask the slight nuance of a dirty glass, beer and wine can be negatively impacted by trace amounts of soap, hard water, lipstick or even the detergent or fabric softener used on a polishing cloth. Ever been handed a glass of wine and the first thing you think is “gee, that’s not my shade of rouge”? We’ve seen some stats that indicate up to 75% of wine that is returned in a restaurant as “faulty” is actually the fault of a dirty glass. It might sound like nitpicking, but it’s true.
Here’s to better and well-rounded drinking in 2016!